How to Improve Eyesight

From smartphones to the TV sets, we are using our eyes to stare at small font size and small images that increases strains.
But are we eating foods that are best for our eyes? Are we performing eye relaxation exercises?
We stay busy carrying out our daily routines and spend hours in front of the computer screens.
These activities will result in symptoms like pain in the eyes, dry eyes from inadequate blinking, blurred vision and headaches.

Simple Steps to improve and protect your Eyesight

Feeding Your Eyes

Eat foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, lutein and beta carotene as they contain antioxidants that helps in repairing the eyes.
Food sources for these important nutrients include a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, such as:
  • sweet potatoes
  • papaya
  • blueberries
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • grapes
  • carrot

Get Some Rest for Your Eyes

Closing your eyes and taking regular breaks for just a few minutes is helpful. You can do this once an hour or many times when stay engaged in one activity for long. This can protect your eyes from over exertion and fatigue.
Resting your overworked eyes for a couple of minutes isn’t enough. So, sleep well, since sleep allows overworked eye muscles to relax completely and your eyes become renewed.

Stay Hydrated

When your eyes are often dry, blurry or tired don’t just wash your face but fill your mouth with water and then splash water with eyes wide open. This will leave you feeling refreshed, too.

Exercise for Eyes

Do relaxation exercises. Placing and rubbing your both palms together creating heat. Place these warm palms over your eyes.
Perform these especially when you've been engaged in front of the computer for long.

Say No to Smoking

Avoid sugary foods because the more you eat sugar, the worse your eyesight will be.
Avoid smoking. Smoking can increase the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

With good nutrition and diet, you can help your eyesight naturally but as always, please discuss with your eye doctor.

How to get rid of dark circle!


  1. Really informative article. I really like your explanation about How to Improve Eyesight. Take care our vision is very important things. Thanks for sharing.


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