
Showing posts with the label health

Benefits of onion oil and juices for hair

Hair loss is one of the most common issue being faced today, many women are sick and tired of hair lose every day. Hair fall also causes other scalp issues which are hair thinning and greying, dandruff and baldness. However, if diagnosed right, hair fall can be controlled.     Onion oil is a proven solution to boost hair regrowth and to reduce hair fall. This is a generally used in Ayurvedic solution for a healthy and thick hair. All you need is a continuous dedication to use onion oil for hair regular along with this don’t forget to eat a nutrient-packed diet for effective result. Benefits of Onion oil or juices Onion juice contains plenty of antioxidants that helps in effectively optimizing hair growth cycle and as it boosts the functioning of certain enzymes that work together to reduce hair fall. Regular usage of this magical onion oil promotes hair regrowth and will effectively reduce hair loss and treat baldness. Onion oil contains sulfur which reduces the hair breakag

Tips to Naturally Regrow Your Hair

Natural remedies for hair growth When it comes to preventing hair loss or improving the hair that someone already has or If you’re trying to regrow hair that you’ve lost or would simply like to improve the hair that you have, try some of these natural remedies that can help. Their proven benefits can help to stimulate hair growth and can increase the volume of your hair that you have. Massage Massaging your scalp can help to stimulate hair growth and can be used in related to hair oils and masks. This stimulates the scalp and improve s hair thickness. Daily massaging your scalp can also help you relieving the stress and tension. It’s thought that stretching forces during the massage encourage hair growth and   hair is less likely to suffer damage and stays dense and strong.  Aloe vera Aloe vera is being known for long for treating hair loss. It can repair the dead skin cells on the scalp as it contains  proteolytic enzymes. It can reduce dandruff and unblock hair foll

What Causes Dark Circles!

Dark circles under the eyes Dark circles are common problems in both men and women. As dark circles can make you appear older than you are, and they can be difficult to get rid of. There are various factors that causes dark circles. In most cases, they are no reason for concern and don't need clinical consideration.

How to get rid of dark circle!

The dark circle under the eye can make a person look more older than they are. The good one is the there is no need to spend amount of money on expensive creams and cosmetics to get rid of dark circles. You can remove your dark circle with natural remedies. Take a look at these remedies and get rid of these. At-Home treatments Treatment for dark eye circles depends on the underlying cause. However, there are some home remedies that can help deal with this condition. Some of the methods are more common that includes: Apply a cold compress.   A cold pack can help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels. This can decrease the presence of puffiness and helps eliminate dark circles. Wrap a couple of ice blocks in a clean washcloth and apply to your eyes. You can likewise hose a washcloth with cold water and apply it to the skin under your eyes for 20 minutes for a similar impact. Repeat this process if the ice melts if the cloth becomes war

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

It is natural for a person's teeth to turn out to be less white as they age. To attempt to get rid of yellow teeth, many people turn to home remedies. But what are the most efficient treatments? The yellow dentin below becomes more noticeable as the exterior enamel wears away. Dentin is the underlying enamel calcified tissue.      What causes yellow teeth? Followings may be the factors that can cause teeth to turn yellow: certain foods or beverages, such as blueberries, red wine, coffee or tea a diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates cigarette smoking or chewing side effects of certain medicines and mouthwashes age in which older adults are more probable to have yellow teeth genetics mouth trauma excessive use of fluoride poor dental care and oral hygiene chronic dry mouth or lack of saliva Natural Remedies Here are a few natural ways to get rid of yellow teeth. Choosing a few treatments and rotating them throughout the week ma