Back Pain and Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Back pain in the lower back is an extremely common problem. Luckily, most back pain can be recovered and reduced by following important steps.
It may result from injury, activity and a few medical conditions. Back pain will have an effect on individuals of any age, for various reasons.
Lower back pain is linked with the bony body part spine, ligaments round the spine and discs, discs between the vertebrae, abdominal and pelvic internal organs and lower back muscles.

Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain refers to pain or stiffness within the back.  
Pain anywhere in your back and moving your back may increase you pain, mostly pain in your buttocks or legs.                                                                                               
Some back pain will cause pain in different parts of the body, as affecting the nerves.

Causes of Back Pain


Frequent causes of back pain:

  • Strained ligaments and muscles
  • Fractures and injuries
  • Muscular tension
  • Lifting, pushing or pulling  something that is too heavy
  • Abrupt movement

Movement and Postures

  • Sitting or standing for a long periods
  • Over-stretching
  • Lifting, pushing or pulling  something
  • Driving for longer periods without break
  • Using a computer for longer periods without break 
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Sleeping on wrong type of mattress that does not  keep the spine straight

Prevent Back Pain


One of the most important things you can do for back pain prevention is to keep yourself as active as you can and avoid bed rest. Regular physical activity and exercises help ease inflammation and muscle tension.
Do back strengthening and stretching exercises and also try yoga.

Eat Right

If you maintain a good eating habit that includes a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains, you will not put unnecessary stress on your body.
To keep your bones stronger and prevent osteoporosis,  get enough calcium and vitamin D.

Sleeping Positions

Sleeping on your side is considered as the best position for sleeping. If you sleep on stomach place a pillow beneath your lower abdomen to assist take stress off your back.
Sleeping on your side with your knees pulled up slightly towards your chest is usually advised.

Maintain your Posture

People sitting at their computer for long periods usually suffer back pain.
Sitting up straight with your back against the back of your chair and keeping your feet flat on the floor is a good posture for sitting.
Try to switch between sitting and standing so that you are not in the same position for too long.
If you stand for a long period than keep your head up, stomach pulled in and shoulders back.

Stop Smoking

Smoking can also be a cause for persisting back pain. As smoking narrows blood vessels and narrow blood vessels results in less oxygen and restricts the nutrients containing blood to reach spine or spinal discs. In turn, smokers are more vulnerable to having back pain.


  1. Back pain can be caused by many different diseases and conditions. Some of these conditions can be very serious but fortunately, they are for the most part uncommon. These serious conditions include; cancer, tumors, neoplasm, inflammatory arthritis, and infection.

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